Source code for beacon_aug.operators

# Copyright 2021 Adobe
# All Rights Reserved.

# NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in
# accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying
# it.

from beacon_aug.generator.operator_generator import Operator_generator
import beacon_aug.generator.custom as custom
import beacon_aug.generator.gan_based as gan_based

import json
import yaml
import glob
import os
from beacon_aug.generator.docs_generator import generate_doc

for_website = True

[docs]def class_definition(cls, library=None, *args, **kwargs): return Operator_generator(cls.__name__, library=library, *args, **kwargs)
""" Standard operator wrapper # dynamic class definition for all customize operators, # s.t. the operators can be called as BA.{standard_operator }(library = "iaa") """
[docs]def doc_definition(op_name): return generate_doc(op_name)
js_fnames = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "./generator/standard/*.yaml")) for js_f in js_fnames: with open(js_f) as json_file: standard_all = json.load(json_file) if ".json" in js_f else yaml.safe_load(json_file) if standard_all is not None: for op_name in standard_all: locals()[str(op_name)] = type(str(op_name), (object,), {"__new__": class_definition, "__doc__": doc_definition }) if for_website: locals()[str(op_name)].__doc__ = doc_definition(op_name) """ Customize operator wrapper # dynamic class definition for all customize operators, # s.t. the operators can be called as BA.{customize_operator}(library = "custom") """ for op_name in custom.__all__ + gan_based.__all__: # only add the operator names not appeared in standard if op_name not in locals(): locals()[str(op_name)] = type(str(op_name), (object,), {"__new__": class_definition, "__doc__": doc_definition }) if for_website: locals()[str(op_name)].__doc__ = doc_definition(op_name)